Inline and By Line CT with AI based Evaluation

100% Control through InlineCT

Advancing technology in industrial computed tomography allows even large components to be inspected three-dimensionally within a few seconds. High-precision sources for X-rays with stable run times, low-wear detectors with high resolutions and frame rates ensure high throughput.

Advanced AI supported software, ensure ultra-fast three-dimensional evaluation and automatic defect analysis. Increasing complexity and rising volumes in production, the growing need for cost savings demand new inspection methods. Industrial computed tomography offers significant cost savings in inline or byline operation in production.

If the two-dimensional analysis is not sufficient, a 3D inspection or a combined 2D and 3D inspection must be used. Here, fast CT images of a few seconds are required. The CT system must run robustly and reliably 24/7 even under rough manufacturing conditions.

Here we have the experience in this field


Setup of an Inline Computed Tomography System

A general distinction is made between three different types of CT system designs.`

Portal Design

Portal systems are the most common design in industrial computed tomography. The specimen is located between the X-ray tube and the detector and is rotated through 360°. The system can be set up horizontally or vertically.


Industrial gantry computed tomography is similar in design to that used in hospitals.

The test specimen is placed on a scanning table and the X-ray tube as well as the detector rotate around it.

Because of the very fast rotating gantry the scan is done in seconds.

A disadvantage is that the resolution is neither variable nor very high.

High accelerator voltages cannot be used, as the heavy high voltage generator, X-ray tube and detector always have to be moved.

The gantry system can be set up horizontally or vertically.

RoboCT Design

The freely programmable robot CT system is a unique

The system can be set up with two or three robots. A single robot that guides the object between the source and the detector is also feasible, but this is restrictive in terms of the degrees of freedom.

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