Ancient Nazca Sculpture
The utility of industrial computed tomography for the study and authentication of ancient ceramics
Examination of a vessel from the Peruvian Nazca culture serves as an example
Peter Graßmann, art historian, Villingen-Schwenningen / XRAY-LAB
For Private collectors as well as museums are equally interested in the high number Counterfeiting ancient objects poses a great challenge. is faked, ever since there was a market: Michelangelo was already able to manufacture it of a Cupid declared as ancient. Since the 20th However, the number and quality of falsifications have increased over the centuries increased significantly, and with the advent of e-commerce this decreased problem has taken on a new dimension in the last 30 years. Next to the classic tools of art history like stylistic-iconographic analyzes are also increasingly used scientific methods for counterfeit detection. Hereinafter is intended to provide an overview of the possibilities and opportunities for using the industrial computed tomography in ceramics research will. As a practical application example, a vessel of Peruvian Nazca culture examined.
Counterfeits and Over-Restorations
According to an estimate by the Swiss art dealer Christoph Leon, up to 50% of the antiques on the market are forged.[1] Although this number cannot be verified, it must be assumed that the proportion of fake pieces is enormous and not only affects all areas of the art trade, but also museum collections. Last but not least, this is made clear by spectacular and widely published cases in the past.[2] It is true that complete counterfeits are the most common, also among ceramics, but there are also a large number of other problematic cases, some of which are in the gray area between original and plagiarism. This applies above all to objects with extensive restorations/additions, which are not always based on the intention of forgery, but which are sometimes also the product of improper or historical (and thus often more “enhancement-friendly”) restorations.
Since the 18th and 19th centuries, antique collection pieces have served to satisfy their owners’ need for representation and to demonstrate their claim to education, which is why the vessels had to be as complete and undamaged as possible. This has not changed fundamentally to this day. This was and is often opposed to the real preservation conditions, which were often “helped on” by extensive restorations. In some cases it is only the modern filler that holds together a patchwork of different original fragments (“pastiche” or “pasticcio”). Although such fabrications are a widespread phenomenon, especially among Chinese and West African antiquities, they are also known in Europe and South America.[3] The Peruvian forger Zenón Gallegos Ramirez is quoted as saying that the majority of the vessels he “restored” were often modern.[4]
The additions are typically modeled in plaster, which is painted over and varnished. Common authentication methods can then fail: paint applied after firing can actually be removed with a cotton swab soaked in solvents (e.g. acetone), but since the paint is often resistant to conventional solvents, the method is not meaningful here.[5] The result of the actually extremely reliable thermoluminescence dating must also be questioned in this case.
Problems of Thermoluminescence Dating
Thermoluminescence dating measures the energy stored in the quartz components of clay from natural radioactive decay processes, which is released in the form of light emissions when heated. Since the energy is “set to zero” during the fire and the process of exposure and absorption then begins again, conclusions can be drawn about the age of the sample based on the amount of energy measured, taking environmental conditions into account. The method has been well researched and is very reliable, but since only the sample is dated and not the entire object, it has little significance with regard to pastiches / assemblages from disparate individual fragments. Conservator Mark Rasmussen points to other potential problems, including the occasionally documented practice of sculpting objects from ancient materials (such as brick).[6] The Oxford Authentications laboratory has collected interesting case studies that make it clear that TL dating should be supplemented by further investigations in individual and suspected cases.[7] These include, for example, Chinese forgeries that use ancient fragments at the base, where TL samples are typically taken (since this is often the only unglazed spot).
CT for Examining Ancient Ceramics
Industrial computed tomography is a non-invasive and non-destructive method of studying the structure of a ceramic and thus also of recognizing additions with almost 100% certainty.[8] While medical CT systems are optimized for the human body and are therefore limited in their display accuracy and penetrating ability, industrial CT can detect inhomogeneities with high precision, penetrate all layers and reliably distinguish between different materials based on their different absorption values. Despite these advantages, the use of CT in archaeological, museum and art historical research is only slowly gaining ground, which is partly due to the availability of the appropriate systems. A seminal pioneering project was carried out in the 1990s at the Allard Pierson Museum in Amsterdam, where the structure of Greek vases was studied using CT.[9] One of the focal points was the most accurate representation of vessel profiles, whereby, in contrast to conventional drawings, the inner contour of the vessel wall could also be recorded precisely. A remarkable result was the distinction between different types of ceramics based on their respective typical gray values, which corresponded to the stylistic assignment to individual artists.[10]
Since these first experiments, the use of CT, among other things, for the archaeometric recording of vessel profiles and wall thicknesses has proven itself many times over. Further pioneering research projects took place in Graz and Vienna.[11] The documentation of historical restorations on two Greek vessels from the Universalmuseum Joanneum is particularly noteworthy. One vessel was identified as an assemblage and the restorer’s procedure reconstructed: individual fragments of different vessels were selected from a larger pool and combined with a supplementary mass to form an overall shape. The different origins of the shards could be clearly recognized by their wall thicknesses and degrees of brightness in the CT.[12] A thin varnish had led to a dark surface coloring and an optical leveling of the shards and the supplementary mass, so that the manipulations were difficult to recognize from the outside.[13] On another vessel, among other things, modern overpainting could be documented based on the higher density of the paint used.[14]
Several works dealt with the radiographic analysis of production techniques, whereby it could be shown, among other things, that the arrangement and orientation of air bubbles allowed conclusions to be drawn about the construction method used in each case (e.g. production on the potter’s wheel, beading technique, etc.).[15]
The non-invasive nature of the CT naturally helps in a special way with questions that would otherwise require irreversible damage to the objects. At the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, for example, clay containers for cuneiform tablets were examined using medical CT, which until then had to be broken up according to previous documentation in order to study their contents.[16] CT can also provide important information for assessing the stability and damage pattern of objects and thus for conservation work.[17]
Because TL dating relies on the energy stored in the ceramic, it is possible (and expected) that a previous CT scan could falsify the result. Estimates of the extent of the changes vary widely and depend, among other things, on the system used.[18] In principle, it can be assumed that it should still be possible to distinguish between ancient and modern even after X-ray and CT examinations, but such potentially irreversible influences must of course always be taken into account when selecting the examination method and the order in which it is used. Since physical changes to the object are to be expected with all human interventions, albeit sometimes to an immeasurable extent, the term “non-destructive” for CT examinations is not without controversy.[19]
Examination example: Nazca ceramics
As a practical example, an anthropomorphic vessel from the early Nazca culture from Peru was examined by XRAY-LAB GmbH in spring 2021 (style phase 3, approx. 200-300 AD). A previous thermoluminescence dating determined an age of 1200 – 1800 years, which coincides with the stylistic classification. The aim of the investigation was to gain further information about the structure of the vessel body and possible modern additions. The material showed a uniform appearance of a single, quite fine key, which was to be expected for the culture and epoch. The average wall thickness was approx. 4-5 mm and was greatest on the head and in the middle of the abdomen, while the bottom was comparatively thin-walled. The clay showed numerous smaller air pockets evenly distributed over the entire body. A uniform alignment could not be identified, but individual elongated, horizontal inclusions indicated a structure using the bulge technique,[20] as is also often documented for the Nazca culture.[21] The “ears” and “nose” of the human-figure vessel appeared to have been formed and attached by separate pieces of clay, as indicated by elongated air pockets at the suspected attachment points. Overall, no inhomogeneities could be found either in the vessel body or on the surface that would have suggested modern restorations or significant changes (see illustrations in the appendix).
Industrial CT offers a wide range of possible uses in archaeological and art historical research, for the restoration and for the authentication of antique objects. In the present investigation example of an ancient Nazca vessel, a forgery could be largely ruled out by the combined informative value of provenance research, iconographic and stylistic analysis, thermoluminescence dating and CT. Such a multi-stage procedure is generally recommended to minimize risk when dealing with antiquities whose provenance cannot be fully traced. Although the use of CT is efficient, non-invasive and essentially non-destructive, it should be carefully considered on a case-by-case basis, both in terms of cost-effectiveness and the potential impact of high-energy radiation on the thermoluminescence dating result. It is recommended to carry out the latter in advance if necessary.
[1] Vgl.:, abgerufen am 30.5.2021.
[2] Als spektakulärster Fall gilt das Goldmuseum in Lima, von dem im Jahr 2001 bekannt wurde, dass 85% der ausgestellten Exponate gefälscht waren. Vgl.:, abgerufen am 30.5.2021.
[3] Bruhns/Kelker weisen auf ein Moche-Porträtgefäß aus der Arthur M. Sackler-Sammlung hin, das sich als Kombination aus einer authentischen Basis und umfangreichen modernen Ergänzungen entpuppte, vgl. Bruhns/Kelker, S. 21. Sawyer beschäftigte sich mit Beispielen der Nazca-Kultur, darunter einer aus Fragmenten von zwei verschiedenen Gefäßen zusammengesetzten Neuschöpfung, vgl. Sawyer S. 21.
[4] Vgl. Bruhns/Kelker, S. 21.
[5] Vgl. ebd.
[6] Vgl. Rasmussen/Amble, S. 54f, abgerufen am 30.5.2021.
[7] Vgl., abgerufen am 30.5.2021.
[8] Bruhns/Kelker weisen unter Bezug auf Mark Rasmussen auf die Bedeutung von CT und Röntgen in Ergänzung zur TL-Datierung hin, vgl. Bruhns/Kelker, S. 31.
[9] Vgl. Karl/Rosc, S. 74f.
[10] Vgl. Ebd., S. 76.
[11] Vgl. Ebd., S. 77.
[12] Vgl. Fürhacker/Karl, S. 137 ff.
[13] Vgl. ebd., S. 140.
[14] Vgl. ebd., S. 153.
[15] Für eine Übersicht über den Forschungsstand siehe: St. John, S. 54ff, abgerufen am 30.5.2021.
[16] Vgl. Applbaum, S. 231-245.
[17] Vgl. McKenzie-Klar/Magnussen, S. 208-221.
[18] Vgl. Karl/Rosc, S. 88ff.
[19] Vgl. ebd., S. 90.
[20] Für ein sehr ähnliches Erscheinungsbild vgl.: Takenouchi/Yamahana, S. 9.
[21] Vgl. Carmichael, S. 31-48.
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